Friday, October 29, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), Up in the Air (2009)

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Cartoon. And could not understand it or the puppet drawn on the computer. Probably both. The plot is pretty old. According to him even in Soviet times, the film was made. As little family lived in the woods of foxes and fox-dad walked into the village to steal geese. His son decided to follow the example of his father, but was caught. To save his father gathered the entire team from different animals. But the plot was slightly different in the Soviet film that, in this cartoon. This cartoon more modernize. Yet for some reason, added the blue fox. Perhaps the children to ask their parents why this fox lips dyed. Freaking American political correctness. But still, I think he will like, both children and adults this cartoon. 4 out of 5.

Up in the Air (2009)
Drama. Melodrama. Comedy. The protagonist is a bachelor and a normal life for himself. He flies on airplanes, meets with women, spends the night with them at the hotel and then tries to break off relations. But one of ordinary women is something touching in his heart and makes you wonder about the family, and to rethink his life. Not a bad melodrama with elements of comedy. Starring George Clooney. I advise fans of melodramas. Very good and cute movie for once. 4 out of 5.


  1. I might check out Fantastic Mr. Fox

  2. I've actually seen both of those movies! Fantastic Mr. Fox was really good

  3. I actually didn't like Fantastic Mr.Fox as much, Wes Anderson is good at what he does but that particular movie to me felt more like it was selling his style more than the content. Up in the Air i still have to check out.
    Anyway, really cool film blog! come check my music blog out when you have the chance :)

  4. I've seen those! They're pretty decent. :)

  5. Hmm maybe I'll check out Fantastic Mr. Fox. It sounds pretty neat :D I bet I would enjoy it.

  6. up was a nice film, kinda cute xD

  7. I've wanted to watch these. Now that I've read your reviews I think I will.

  8. Good reviews, thanks, I think I'll check "Up in the Air"

  9. 4/5 eh? might be worth downloading to watch when I'm putting my hands up a girls top.

  10. Fantastic mr fox is awesome, great reviews.

  11. Your blog is amazing. What about Tuv' labs?

  12. Yeah this was a great movie. You definitely are pretty good at writing reviews!!

  13. I really was not a fan of Fantastic Mr Fox. But I just can't explain why.

  14. I enjoyed Up in the Air. Still haven't seen Fantastic Mr. Fox. Need to watch that this week.

  15. Good post. I need to see those two films!

  16. Up in the Air was good. Loved Clooney. The other chick not so much.

  17. Both great films! Weird I saw them both in theatres!

  18. fantastic mr fox was dissapointing

  19. saw mr fox was dissapoint :( up in the air was a good one though

  20. @Edward....the "other" chick. i didn't know george clooney was a chick? lol, j/k

  21. I agree with most people here, Up in the Air was a really good movie, I enjoyed it a lot. I might put it up on my blog. Much love.
