Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Film reviews: Dorian Gray (2009), Sorority Row (2009)

Dorian Gray (2009)
Drama. Thriller. On a plot of a young guy paint a picture and after a time, he notices that a cut on his arm was gone, and the picture appeared. So he realized that the picture is somehow mysteriously connected with him and takes him all the negative consequences, such as trauma or aging. Fearing that his secret of eternal youth has not been disclosed, the main character hides the painting in the attic, and he enjoys his eternal youth. But over time, his aging friends began to suspect that something is not the same and one of his friends decides to find out the cause of eternal youth of the protagonist. Above-average thriller. Filmed pretty good, but I have a claim. First, the vague plot. Why is the protagonist of all time, lived alone in a hefty home? Where were his relatives? How he got such a healthy home? Where he took money for no poor life, they are not working? All this looks like some kind of fairy tale ... Then the director decided to make the main character for some reason, bisexual, enthusiastic, not only women but also men. In one scene, Dorian Gray man kisses on the lips and tilts his head to his groin. Such propaganda of homosexuality not to my liking. Actors, too, are not distinguished professionalism. Apparently they were aware that a serious play this nonsense can not. 3 out of 5.

Sorority Row (2009)
Thriller. Drama. A girl decides to play her boyfriend and with friends, the women's dormitory, imitates his death. The guy from the shock starts to move mind and kills his girlfriend had really. Hiding the body of the murdered in a disused mine, the girls had hoped to avoid liability under the law. But all of a sudden they became someone to kill one a maniac. A good thriller in the style of "Scream" on one viewing. Of course with a bunch of cliches of Hollywood, but from solid, with good special effects and a good game of young actors. 4 out of 5.


  1. uhm thrillers are interesting ty for the advice!

  2. Good reviews, I'm not really into doing reviews myself, but these were good. Much love.

  3. I enjoyed both theses films when i saw them earlier this year, :D

  4. gonna have to check these out for myself

  5. Good stuff, I'm going to check out the first one.

  6. you did the reviews well. I did see dorain grey, and did not enjoy the details, but the overall story was interesting about how he tries to protect the painting and people find out and destroy it

  7. i found sorority row to be extremely funny for its cheesiness than the scare factor lol.. that asian girl was cute

  8. great review, very insightful, wouldnt be able to pick up what happened in the movie without you mentioning it! lulz

  9. Sorority Row sounds intresting. i will check it out! :)

  10. Dorian Grey was meh, but it's not that bad

  11. Great reviews! I've seen Sorority Row and I agree completely.

  12. nice reviews, might watch that second one ^^

  13. I want to watch dorian gray : / the book was great!

  14. Ive seen both and i would say there pretty decent, nothing to spectacular. I'd personally give both a solid 3/5.

  15. I agree with your point of view
